
So far, 2016 has been filled with a lot of travels for me.

I’m still just a student with parents who want me to be independent and responsible for this bisyo of mine. They tell me that if I want some thing, I have to work hard for it. So I do.

Here are some tips for people who want to travel while studying:

Save money.

Money, for me, plays a vital role while traveling. I need it to buy my plane ticket and I need it for pocket money. I save the money I get from special occasions like christmas and my birthday. It’s a good thing that I’m not really a fan of material things, so my hands don’t really itch when I can’t go shopping and spend all my money. I actually believe that it’s better to spend money on experiences. My parents are my number one source of money. They, like other parents, give me baon. I try my best to spend at most only P50-100 pesos a day so that I can save the rest for my travels. Oh, and did I mention that I’m also sending a kid to school? I also have to save P30 a day for him. It’s so hard to do and it makes me broke all the time. It’s a bit challenging, but the key for me is self control.

       Watch out for travel promos.

Travel promos are my best friends when it comes to traveling. I usually panic when there are cebu pacific sales. Although cebu pacific is known for their delays, I don’t really mind as long as I get to my destination and I save money doing so. I let my parents pay using their credit card and I pay them back in about 2 months. I usually get roundtrip tickets to Manila for only P1185!!!


Know who you are traveling with.

Traveling is much easier when you are comfortable with the people you travel with. I think traveling in a group is fun but it’s a bit harder to organize given the number of people you have to consider when making plans. For me, the most hassle-free people to travel with is my family. I don’t get to stress out where we’re going to stay and, they take care of ALL the expenses. Traveling with one friend is also fun because you get to know him/her better. He snores when he sleeps and she likes the window seat. I’ve often seen posts about traveling alone. It scares me just thinking about it. I imagine myself getting lost and no one there to help me figure out where we are. But, I hope one day I get to conquer my fear and decide to go on a solo flight.

Have connections.

It’s really helpful when you go to a place and you know people there. They can help you organize your itinerary with activities they know are fun to do and places they know are worth seeing. They can also fix you up a place to stay like their houses cheap hotel rooms. It’s great to see old friends from around the country and know what they’ve been up to the couple of years you’ve both been separated.

Pack light.

Honestly, packing light is not that easy for me. It requires a certain skill that I still have to practice. Usually, I pack clothes good for one week when actually, we’re only staying there for 3 days. I can’t decide on what to bring. I guess the most effective way for me to pack light is for me to know what we’ll be doing and where we are going. Once I figure out these things, I get to imagine what I would be wearing and get to decide to bring extra clothes or not. Also, packing light saves a lot of time and money. I don’t have to wait in the long line just to check my luggage in, I don’t have to pay extra for check-in baggage and I don’t have to wait for my luggage on the conveyer belt thing.

Always remember that traveling is a journey.

When traveling, things might not go according to what you planned it to be. I try my best and exercise being flexible. I remember that in life, there are no accidents and the current situation is happening for a reason. Out of these “epic fails”, I get to experience my creative and patient self. I learn more and more and I decide to do better next time. Things might not be perfect, but it can still be pretty amazing. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.

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